Test in Prod推出Optimism上新客户端OP Erigon初始版本

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摘要: Recently, Test in Prod released the initial version of the OP Erigon client, which has brought great benefits and convenience to new customers. In this article, we will explore the features and advantages of this new update in detail, and demonstrate how it has improved the overall user experience.

介绍OP Erigon

OP Erigon is a new client version released by Test in Prod, which is focused on optimizing user experience. It is open source and designed to operate on Ethereum Classic's network. It is fully compliant with Ethereum’s JSON-RPC API, and provides a variety of useful developer tools that can be used to streamline the development process.

With the new OP Erigon client, developers can easily manage contract creation, testing, and deployment in a more efficient and streamlined manner. The client is designed to operate at peak performance, making for a more reliable and robust experience when working with Ethereum Classic.


The OP Erigon client has brought about many important new features and improvements that will be welcomed by developers. Some of the most significant features and enhancements includes:

Improved performance: OP Erigon is engineered to provide better performance compared to previous client versions, allowing for a faster and more seamless user experience.

Enhanced Code Development Tools: The latest version of the client includes a range of new tools for developers that can significantly streamline the development process. This includes improved testing tools, enhanced debugging tools, and database support.

Open-Source and Transparency: OP Erigon is fully open-source and free to use, ensuring complete transparency and trust in the development process. Developers can use the software in confidence, knowing that their data is secure and private.


The OP Erigon is a major step forward in the development of Ethereum Classic, and a significant improvement compared to the previous versions. Here are some of the main advantages of the new client:

Reliable and Stable: The OP Erigon client is designed to run optimally at all times, ensuring a higher level of stability and reliability compared to previous client versions.

Reduced Development Time: The new code development tools included in OP Erigon can significantly reduce development time, streamlining the entire development process.

Improved Code Quality: The client is engineered to ensure code quality, making it easier for developers to write more stable and efficient code.


In conclusion, the release of the OP Erigon client is a significant step forward for the Ethereum Classic development community, and is sure to make a positive impact on the future of the network. Its open-source and transparent nature, coupled with its focus on stability and reliability, makes OP Erigon an ideal choice for developers looking for an efficient and streamlined Ethereum Classic experience. Test in Prod是一家专门为以太坊网络提供测试环境和开发工具的公司。最近,Test in Prod推出了Optimism上新的客户端OP Erigon初始版本。本文深度分析了OP Erigon的技术原理及其在以太坊网络中的应用。

什么是Test in Prod?

Test in Prod是一家专门为以太坊网络提供测试环境和开发工具的公司。他们提供的主要产品是以太坊Rollup协议的测试网络 - Arbitrum和Optimism。其中,Optimism是最流行的Rollup协议之一,它提供了更快、更便宜的交易和智能合约执行。

什么是OP Erigon?

OP Erigon是Test in Prod专为Optimism Rollup开发的以太坊客户端,并且它可以成为Optimism网络的核心节点。它是以太坊Erigon客户端的分支,它保留了Erigon的所有功能,并对Optimism进行了优化。

OP Erigon的优化

OP Erigon的设计和开发考虑了Optimism Rollup的独特性质和性能要求。以下是OP Erigon的主要优化:

1. 快速同步

在Optimism Rollup中,每个区块可以包含多达1000个交易。这意味着OP Erigon需要更快的同步速度,以确保快速连接到网络并开始验证交易。OP Erigon使用了一种称为“快照同步”的技术来实现快速同步。这种方法使用现有数据进行更快的同步,同时减少了I/O开销。

2. 智能合约验证

Optimism Rollup需要实现Rollup智能合约验证,这意味着客户端必须能够验证智能合约的执行。OP Erigon使用了一种称为“状态快照验证”的技术来实现这一点。这种方法可以快速验证智能合约的状态,从而减少了验证的时间和成本。

3. 特殊数据结构

为了提高Optimism Rollup的性能和安全性,OP Erigon在设计和开发过程中使用了一些特殊的数据结构,如哈希树和Merkle树。这些数据结构可以快速验证数据的完整性,并减少潜在的攻击风险。

OP Erigon的意义

OP Erigon的推出意味着Optimism Rollup现在有一个专为其设计的高性能客户端,并且可以作为网络的核心节点。这将增强Optimism Rollup的安全性和可靠性,并为这个快速发展的生态系统提供巨大的价值。 OP Erigon的设计和优化也为其他Rollup协议提供了参考。它们可以借鉴OP Erigon的技术原理和优化,以提高自己的性能和可靠性。这将促进Rollup协议更快地实现其在以太坊生态系统中的广泛应用。


OP Erigon是Test in Prod为Optimism Rollup开发的专门客户端,它提供了高性能、快速同步和智能合约验证的功能。OP Erigon的推出将增强Optimism Rollup在以太坊生态系统中的地位,并为Rollup协议的发展提供了参考和启示。它将继续发挥重要作用,为以太坊网络提供更快、更便宜、更安全的交易和智能合约执行。

标签: cuse

